My competition in training or a race is not all the other runners - my competition is that little voice in my head that tells me I should quit.
For truly I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. Matthew 17:20 NRSV

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Random running thoughts

  • When the alarm goes off at 5:30 to go on my run, I need to jump up...any second of "thinking" about it results in hitting the snooze button.
  • Once I am up and outside on a gorgeous day, I realize what I would have missed out on....the river in the morning, the ducks and the babies of course, the crisp morning air, the sun rising ever so slowly. Such beautiful scenery where I live. And, the sweet smell of the Nestle Plant, especially today with the smell of cappuccino.
  • I feel better more energized for the day when I get my run in early in the morning. I accomplish more throughout the day. I am not left thinking about when I will fit it in and dreading it.
  • I can't control a lot of things in life, but I can control this running and weight loss, I KNOW what needs to be done, if I would "just do it"!
  • I am a by myself kind of running gal, it doesn't bother me, but I have learned that I enjoy some company now and again...I need it.
  • It's ok to take a nap.
  • I need a pair of "real" running shorts, and a sweat band.
  • I can't run without my ipod.
  • Ibuprofen is part of my diet

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Weigh In Wednesday

2 pounds.  Gained...................:(
Since the last weigh in that I did in April.

I am dissapointed, but not suprised.

I have lost a total of 5 pounds since I started.

I am glad I have stepped up my running since Sunday.  4 miles.  I need to keep it up. And, it is clear that I need to weigh in every week to stay on top of this.

I don't know what else to say. ):

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Running update

So, I ran 4 miles outside with two wonderful ladies on Sunday.  I wanted to quit. After the third mile, I felt so good, I picked up the pace and it felt so good.  Or maybe, I just wanted to be done? Couldn't wait to go home for coffee? I don't know.....but I did it.

I took yesterday off and drug myself to the gym at 5:30 a.m. today. I am not to be talked to or looked at at that hour of the day. I am not a happy camper.  On a positive note, it was light out, that makes things a teensy better.  I had a goal of 4 miles on the treadmill.  The first two miles were horrible....WHY IS THAT? I wanted to quit at least a dozen times.....and I wasn't running with anyone so I wouldn't have felt like a loser....but I fought with myself in my head and kept pressing on..........and I succeded.  I did it. 4 miles.  It wasn't easy.  And......I didn't know I could stink so bad?????  You know... body odor?? It's really bad lately.........must mean I am burning major calories...way more than the 500 the stupid machine said, right?

On another note, I am not going to work that hard for 4 miles and eat crap anymore...this weight is coming off!!  Where is my Jillian?!

Happy Tuesday all and what is with my excessive use of dots today........? *smile*

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sad but Happy

I am sad

  • That I didn't spend enough time with my Grandpa before he died but happy that I had him in my life and experienced that kind of love. Two years and I still miss calling him and talking to him.....I can still remember that last hug.  
  • That my daughter is ending her freshman year in High school, but happy that I was blessed with such a sweet, smart, responsible, caring daughter. All I can think about as I am attending all of her end of the year sporting events, band event, choral concerts....three more years.  That's it.  I cried last night following her concert when they acknowleged the seniors with awards. What will I be like when that is her standing up there?  I will be sobbing.  I looked around last night and didn't see anyone sobbing.  
  • That my first grader is going to be a second grader (why can't I just keep him at this age, it's so great?!) but happy that he has turned into a very sensitive, caring, school loving kid and still adores his mom. He walked to school today!! And me being the overprotective mama, drove over to the school and made sure he got there safely!! :) 
  • That getting healthy and getting the weight off is so darn hard but happy that I am sticking to the plan even though some days I fall off the running or the eating healthy bandwagon,  I hop back on the next day...or the next. *wink* *smile*

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Try, Try, Try AGAIN

Yep, I am back.

I survived the Run Like a Mother.  My goal was to run and not walk, just like last year.  My partner Beth has all the documentation over at her She carried me through the first 3  1/2 miles and then I don't know what happened but suddenly I had the urge to I did.  :) I am sure it was the coffee at the end that I smelled *smile*

We are talking about doing a 10K which is 6.2 miles.  ONLY a little over 2 more miles than the Run Like a Mother.  It is in September so we would have plenty of time to keep running and for me...hopefully to get some more pounds off.  That really is my ultimate goal, to get fit and STAY fit. So, I started my training for the 10K today.  Who is going to check in on me every day and make sure I stay on track??? Any takers out there?

I am back to writing down my food intake today and I am going to try to get back to some weightlifting.

I will try *cough* to get back to my Weigh In Wednesdays.  I know you have all (3 readers?) been on the edge of your seats and missed my posts.

Notice how many times I use the word "try" in this post.  I need to "do", not try! :) Right?? !!

** Ran 2 miles today