My competition in training or a race is not all the other runners - my competition is that little voice in my head that tells me I should quit.
For truly I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. Matthew 17:20 NRSV

Monday, March 8, 2010


Yep, I am struggling......
Trying to remain upbeat but the running has been so hard lately.
Can't get past 2 miles. & can barely make it to 2 miles some days.

And the eating? Out of control.......
And now for the big confession...I am so disappointed.....and you should be too.....
I split a package of lifesavers during a long late band concert with my 7 year old you blame me? And........I caved and ate not 1 but 2. Yes - I said TWO, M&M ice cream sandwiches this past weekend!! Terrible, just terrible....So much for giving up sweets for lent. What, did I last 3 weeks? I am still going to give up sweets again, today. And I will let y'all know when or if I give into temptation again.

Speaking of control, my friend Beth has a great post about "Control" just hit me like a mack truck when I read was like she was writing about me. Go here to read it.

(And if you have trouble, drop me a note, this is my first attempt at something so techy ;))

By the way she is one of my friends who will be running the 4 mile Run Like a Mother with me in May and helped me to start my new blog. She was one of my very first friends when I moved to a new town and she is a huge inspiration to me through her blog.

Saturday - 1 mile run
Sunday - 2 miles (walk/run)
Today - rest and get my eating back on track ;)


Kim@runningtolosewithfaith said...

Darn blogger, does this up above work if you cut and paste it? Heeeeeeelp!!

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

KIM!!!! you are WAY too hard on yourself!!!!
and yes, this can be cut and pasted as well!

at least you TRY to give up sweets I don't even try!

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

I'm with Beth...I didn't even try either, so go easy on yourself.

Those miles are gonna add up, you'll get there!!!